First PGE Solar Pilot Program customers interconnected

News Release  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  - Sept. 1, 2010
Contact: Kim Berhorst

Oregon’s New Feed-In Tariff-Style Pilot Program Provides New Incentives for Solar

Thursday, August 26, Jeff and Sandy Ramp of Salem, OR, became the first “Solar Payment Option” customers to connect their new solar photovoltaic system, designed and installed by National Solar, Inc., to the utility grid through Portland General Electric. Oregon’s new volumetric solar incentive pilot program, established by 2009 legislation, is modeled after Feed-In Tariff programs widely used in Europe, but is not a “true FIT.” Oregon customers of Pacific Power can participate through the “Oregon Solar Incentive Program,” and Oregon customers of Idaho Power, through its “Oregon Solar Photovoltaic Pilot Program.”

Although the enrollment, application, installation, and final inspection processes were time consuming as last-minute implementation details such as meter location and wiring plus liability insurance requirements were resolved after the July 1 enrollment, for Ramp, an OSU engineering graduate and onion farmer, the reward was a long-realized dream when he finally turned his new solar system on.

Ramp wanted for many years to install a solar system for his home, which he built with multiple energy efficiency features, but prior to the new pilot program couldn’t justify the cost. Ramp built his home in 1982 and designed it for passive solar heat gain with a Trombe wall as heat storage for all south-facing windows. He designed a south-facing roof with hopes of installing a rooftop solar system, but opted against it because of the concrete tile roofing.

Instead, National Solar installed the 9.9 kW solar PV system on a nearby outbuilding with metal roofing. The array was tilt racked to maximize southern solar exposure. National Solar, Inc., a Pacific NW solar design, installation and integration contractor with offices in Seattle and Salem, sources locally whenever possible: Components include Schott 225 watt polycrystalline modules (“Buy America”-qualified solar panels), and two PVPowered inverters (made in Bend, OR).

Ramp’s system is categorized as a small-scale (less than 10 kW DC) residential system. Anticipated annual solar electric output is approximately 11,000 kWh. His annual gross payments from his electric utility, PGE, should average $600 per month. The payments are considered taxable income, and will depend upon individual system owners’ tax brackets.


For more information on pilot program details, please contact the respective utilities.
All other inquiries, please contact Kim Berhorst at

1 comment:

  1. 09-02-10 see the Oregonian newspaper article, "First users of Oregon solar pilot program up and running" by Rich Read about Jeff and Sandra Ramp's project at link below
